Now such being the case, verily he who- owing to his untrained understanding- looks upon his Self, which is alone ( never conditioned by the ‘engine’), as the doer, he, of perverted intelligence sees not. bhagavad gita chapter 16 slokas 08 & 09 kamam asritya duspuram dambha-mana-madanvitah mohad grhitvasad-grahan pravartante ’suci-vratah cintm aparimey ca pralayntm uprit kmopabhoga-param etvad iti nicit TRANSLATION Filled with insatiable desires, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, holding evil ideas. SriRamakrishnaPrabha BhagavadGitaChanting RamakrishnaMathHyderabadThe content of our Channel - Spiritual Motivational Inspirational Moral Storie. Chapter 16 Verse 2: To not hurt anyone in any way by mind, speech and.

Whatever action a man performs by his body, speech and mind-whether right, or the reverse-these five are its causes. Chapter 16 Verse 1: Fearlessness, complete purity of inner-self, knowledgeable and charity, self-control, performance of yagya, study of religious scriptures, penance in the form of bearing hardships in the path of bhakti and submissiveness.